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Pastor and Nga_edited.jpg




I have been Pastor of the Hamilton Potter's House Christian Church, Hamilton NZ since 1998. My wife Ngahina and I have been married for over 30 years. We also have two children and six wonderful grandchildren.


I believe that no matter who you are, and what your background may be, Jesus Christ is able and willing to reach into your life. I know this, because He did that for my wife and I. I was a very detached individual, always on-guard and trusted nobody, but Jesus Christ made Himself so real to me, that to deny His existence, would mean denying my very existence.

At 29 years old I surrendered, and finally accepted the truth, that is, that, Jesus Christ is creator of all including you and I. Jesus loved you and I so much that He was willing to die for our sins so that we could make heaven our home.


Jesus Christ changed our destiny as human kind from an eternity destined for hell, to an eternity with Him in heaven. He has revolutionized my life, my marriage and the lives of the people in our church. He will do the same for you.


Come and see for yourself.


Pastor Scott McGrath

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