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Psalm Competition Winner

What a great a start to our Website Competitions. We received lots of GREAT psalms, however, there can only be one winner.

Our Winning Psalm was written by Ariana Te Ngoungou-Wright from Wellington, New Zealand.

We loved how this was a true 'psalm' or prayer to God and that she focused on a specific event in her life.

Ari wrote explaining her psalm:

"I asked God, to show me, the heart of my husband, one last time, should I continue to contend and plead for this man. This was on Sunday on my way to church in the morning. And God heard my prayer, he showed me, I wasn't prepared for it, the Holy Spirit has truly been my comforter. My husband Sunday night just four days ago, committed adultery again. I guess he hasn't stopped, my sons wanted to tell me, they didn't want his to happen to me anymore. Since their father (my husband) wanted a relationship with me."

Here is her psalm in its entirety:

To encourage those with a broken heart, I sought your face oh Lord my God, my Saviour, my King, in a time of great desperation. I asked that you would show me the truth. I contended, and prayed Lord God, I beg you, hear my voice and my plea before your throne. Expose the liar, the lie, and deceiver before my eyes. I couldn't see through the giants and mountains that blocked my view. Although I left your love, and covering while I was in my youth, You had already orchestrated my salvation, before time itself. I was rebellious and stubborn, and I wasn't ready to listen then, In this time, You were graciously patient, always watching me, watching out for me, although I was unworthy to receive such an honour. It took time, for me to actually hear that still, calm, silent, beautiful, tender voice of yours oh Lord my God. I finally bowed my heart before your throne, and said I'm ready to listen. The moment those very words left my mouth, like the first breathe you gave to mankind, it all started to unfold before my very eyes. Like the sun shines on ones face as the dawn becomes morning. You showed me, as clear as day, how great your tender loving mercies truly are. Within a moment, like my loud heart beat, my heart was completely healed, the brokenness was no longer present, you filled me with peace, and you set me free from myself. From the chains I was so bound in, they no longer had a hold on me. "I'm free." Once I made the decision within my heart, that the truth must be shown, I needed to see, I wanted to see. A moments breather, You had slain the giants, Goliath and all his brothers. And you separated the mountains, so, your light could shine through. Thank you for your endless love, thank you for showing me the truth, thank you for hearing my prayers, seeing my tears. I love you, with all my heart, mind, soul and strength, but not just because it is written within the scriptures, but because tonight Lord, I have experienced this personally for myself. I love you more than the breathe of life that you generously give to me. Thank you Jesus, my love, my knight and shining armour.

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